The Presidio Raptor Cam Is Officially Back (With Nesting Hawks), Baby

For the first time since 2019, the livestream has a nesting pair of red-tailed hawks caring for two eggs

Matt Charnock
3 min readMar 25, 2022
Three Baby Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) In a Pine Tree Nest waiting for one of their parents to feed them. (Photo: Courtesy of Getty Images/GMA)

When PG&E’s Falcon Cam went dark in October of last year, there was a coordinated sigh across the city. For years, thousands found joy in watching peregrine falcons nest, lay eggs, and raise young atop PG&E’s 77 Beale Street building. But that digital window into the lives of those elusive birds shuttered after the embattled, contentious utility moved its headquarters to Oakland — leaving the beloved livestream to completely dim.

However, don’t fret! There is another livestream that avian aficionados can glue their pupils to which features predatory birds living their best O Magazine-approved lives: the Presidio Raptor Cam, which just came back online.

(Also, FYI: It’s likely that PG&E’s Falcon Cam will return. After all, it was part of the ongoing work from Predatory Bird Research Group at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the…



Matt Charnock

SF transplant, coffee shop frequent; tiny living enthusiast. iPhone hasn’t been off silent mode in nine or so years. Former EIC of The Bold Italic.