San Francisco Declares Health Emergency Around Monkeypox Outbreak… With More Vaccines Becoming Available Next Week

Latinx and LGBTQIA+ communities continue to be disproportionately affected by the zoonotic disease

Matt Charnock
2 min readJul 29, 2022
Photo: Courtesy of Getty Images/GMA

As of publishing, the San Francisco Department of Public health (SFDPH) has reported 281 cases of either confirmed or suspected monkeypox infections — 20 cases more than were reported last week. This current case count (that now numbers in the hundreds) was amassed in less than two months since the first case of monkeypox was reported in San Francisco on June 3rd.

The worldwide outbreak of monkeypox, which the World Health Organization has recently declared a global health emergency, is estimated to have contaminated at least 16,000 people. Of those infections, five have proved fatal; all of these fatalities have occurred amongst unvaccinated individuals in African countries.

In San Francisco — a city that is only second to New York City re: monkeypox case numbers; the metropolis…



Matt Charnock

SF transplant, coffee shop frequent; tiny living enthusiast. iPhone hasn’t been off silent mode in nine or so years. Former EIC of The Bold Italic.