San Francisco Zoo’s Baby Kookaburra Is Currently Serving Big Pride Energy

A kingfisher playing with a unicorn plush toy? We love to see it

Matt Charnock
2 min readJun 7, 2021

“The Bay Snapshot” is a series from The Bold Italic that showcases the current mood of the Bay Area in a picture. If you have a tip for a future post in the series, email us or DM us on Twitter or Instagram.

We’re big fans of all things flora and fauna (and the conservation of that flora and fauna). Thankfully for us San Franciscans, our beloved local zoo is an endless well of biodiversity, wildlife education, and community engagement — niceties its social media team wields like a sterling silver sword.

Over the weekend, an upload from the San Francisco Zoo’s official Twitter account only proved that point further; Koan, the zoo’s first ambassador for his species since 1994, was photographed playing with a plush unicorn (with a rainbow-colored tail), presumably living his best life during Pride Month.



Matt Charnock
Matt Charnock

Written by Matt Charnock

SF transplant, coffee shop frequent; tiny living enthusiast. iPhone hasn’t been off silent mode in nine or so years. Former EIC of The Bold Italic.

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